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Momento: Overview

Momento: Overview

Momento was founded in 1951 with one clear objective – To manufacture impact socket and accessories, and we have continued as we began. Located in Flen, Sweden, we are the only factory in the world exclusively manufacturing machine operated sockets and accessories and produce one of the worlds widest standard ranges.

The entire process takes place under one roof. We produce more than 25% of Europe’s total manufacture of impact sockets and hold Europe’s largest inventory.

Optimized complete solutions

Torque Elite offers, through experience and knowledge, products and services primarily in tightening techniques, hydraulic tools and lifting equipment. Our customers are in segments, maintenance and heavy production on the Swedish market. Our focus lies in analyzing customer needs and subsequently offer a comprehensive solution that is optimized throughout the entire chain with regard to accuracy, ergonomics, safety and economy.

Heat treatment is the key

Momento – Heat treatment was started 25 years ago as an internal department of our own production. Today Momento Heat evolved into a separate business unit that offers all, commonly used heat treatment of large and small series. Momento heat treatment ensures full quality control of each step of the process and the modern facility ensures that your product gets the desired properties. Our expertise in many industries

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