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Desoutter TT - Torque Tubes Reaction Arms

Desoutter TT - Torque Tubes Reaction Arms

Designed to reduce the strain on your operators whilst improving quality, Desoutter’s Suspended Telescopic Torque Reaction arm features vertical torque absorption and torque reaction up to 100Nm on vertical and horizontal applications.

  • Absorbs the torque and weight from the operators wrist, reducing the risk of RSI and absenteeism.
  • Wide torque range, from 2 to 100Nm, for vertical or horizontal applications, giving great flexibility.
  • Easy to install on your working station with a wide range of accessories to reflect your needs and reduce installation costs.
  • Improved operator safety and working conditions, reducing operator fatigue and down time, and boosting your productivity.
  • 3 different models to be able to fit your exact needs
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